Wholesale Inquiries

Thank you for your interest in Spincycle Yarns!

If you would like to be added to the stockist waitlist, please send an email to spinster@spincycleyarns.comYou must include the name and location of your shop, as well as links to your website and social media. 

We try to respond to every waitlist request email, but at times we can get a little overwhelmed. Even if you don't hear back from us right away, a physical copy of each request is printed and filed, and your shop is added to a spreadsheet. 

We are committed to growing our brand carefully and strategically, which is why we only add a few new shops at a time, and only when we feel they are a good fit with our values and aesthetics. And of course we also consult the map, to fill in areas where we do not have many stockists!

Apologies to online-only or appointment-only shops, but at this time, to become a stockists, you must be a brick & mortar shops with regular hours.

Are you currently a stockist but you are having trouble viewing the wholesale yarn menu? That's because we moved! We now have a dedicated wholesale site. If you would like to view your order history from this site, it is still available when you log in to "My Account" in the upper right hand corner. 

Still having issues? Email wholesale@spincycleyarns.com